
Look Out 'Cause Here I Come


04-12-2020, 04:15 PM
A little shiver ran through the tiny man and he scooted a bit closer to the fire. The adrenaline that had warmed him previously had begun to wane and he was feeling the autumn chill once more. How he was going to get through winter, he didn't know. Kite wasn't anything less than a pack wolf. A mostly useless one at that. What could he do? Make people smile? That sort of thing didn't help when your packmates were starving or injured. He would have to learn a skill, he supposed. In his home pack, he had been allowed to be lazy. Out in the wild, that wouldn't be the case.

Ears perked as Noko spoke of Octaves origins. Luta spoke of her own, then questioned the little brute about his own. "Ohhhh... I come from a land far away. A small pack. They didn't want me anymore, so here I am." The brown and tan guy shot those around him a beaming smile. Being banished didn't bother him. There wasn't really anything in the pack that he missed. His mother a bit, but even she looked down on him and was ashamed. Oh well.

"I don't really know where I'm going. I do know where I'm not going, and that's back." A little shrug was given and he scooted even closer to the fire. He couldn't wait for the tea that would hopefully help to warm him from the inside.