
Fall into the depths of my arms


08-25-2013, 10:01 AM (This post was last modified: 08-25-2013, 10:03 AM by Kairos.)

[Image: WiAPRcg.jpg]

The brute paced back and forth with his brows still furrowed. His tail still lashed out but yet he stopped. In his tracks did Kairos stop and contemplate what he should do next. He saw her as clear as day but was confused...she approached him quietly and with what looked like longing. She was pretty...but...who was she? Maybe she was the run of the mill loon. Or maybe she was just troubled....or slightly disturbed. Kai watched as she advanced slowly and touched him. His purple gaze set on her softly as she spoke. She asked if the dead walked with roses or something like that. She spoke of him as if she had buried him. Next she asked if her tears were wasted for him to be here. Confusion swarmed in the young man's mind. He did not pull away in the thought that she may throw a fit or break. Such a fragile thing at the he pitied her.

With a sigh he leaned towards her so her fur would meet his own. Then he spoke...

"The dead do not walk but how should I know...but they do not bring roses... Your tears were not wasted and your pain was not lost; for I am not the one of who you speak. And no one stands before you to claim besides I, Kairos Menapache." he said in a gentle voice careful not to disturb.

The male wondered what was wrong with this pretty vixen...then he remembered what he had saw as a pup. Yes yes, he had seen her on the battlefield not too far from where his father had died. Hah, he spat at that word. His biological father was no father at all but yet he leaned towards him craving him as he had missed him so. Odd. He had never missed his father. Hate did he feel towards the bastard! Yet Kairos felt as if he was turning into that man, taking after him. The male's purple gaze looked at the fea before him. She seemed out of sorts...then again he felt out of sorts himself. Kairos felt like a true adult now but he was just a yearling.

"I have seen you before...on the battlefield. I was there to see my biological bastard of a father for the first and the last time. I saw him be struck down by the paws of the orange dame. At first I hated him because he left my brothers and I fatherless...but now I feel myself becoming more and more like him. Then again, you must be the pretty vixen who he finally settle down with. Incan see why he would fall for a dame such as you." he said with a wink of a purple eye.

Kairos stood before her as he waited for her reply. How would she react to all of this news? What would she do? What actions would she take? Kairos himself didn't know what to do next either...yet his actions were coming instinctively and naturally. This was odd yet nice, perhaps he would Ed up enjoying this encounter.

I talk,
I think,
you speak"