
You said that’s not funny, but it wasn’t a joke



7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
04-13-2020, 07:45 PM

He listened as he heard the sound of paws moving against the ground, the black and white young wolf coming into view at the corner of his eye. He was glad she had decided to stay if for no other reason than to have a bit of company. He still felt like he needed to reorient himself to living around other wolves again after spending the last couple of years with just his mother has frequent company. Luckily, it seemed like Boreas was still just as lively as he remembered so there had been plenty of wolves for him to meet. His silver gaze shifted in her direction when she spoke, questioning his knowledge of the hot springs. He nodded, replying, "I know a good bit. I grew up not too far from here so we visited this place pretty often." He paused for a second before thinking to add, "The water is great for soaking in, but be sure not to drink it. It can be poisonous if you consume too much." He liked to think that the smell of the water alone would give her that information, but he wanted to be sure.

His ear tipped toward her again when she offered him her name and he was careful to keep the surprise he felt away from his features. Abraxas was a name that had been burned into his memory and still brought up a conflicting bundle of emotions when he considered the new knowledge that she was somehow related to the wolf that had killed his father. She was clearly too young to personally have had anything to do with the whole affair, but it did make him wonder how many wolves in her pack also carried the same lineage and if perhaps any of them did have a more direct tie to the death match that had turned his family upside down. "I'm Ulric Adravendi," he replied, keeping his thoughts firmly to himself. It had been so long ago now and he honestly couldn't bring himself to hold any kind of a grudge or anger toward her or her family. If anything his blame sat more in the direction of his father, but those were all emotions that he couldn't process right now.

The stoic man let his gaze shift back toward the basins of water in front of them, feeling like it was easier to think about their surroundings than it was anything else in that moment. He nodded his head toward the center of the springs as he told her, "The main spring is in the middle and the water spills out into these pools. Some of them are deeper than others so you could soak just your feet or your whole body if you want." She had seemed curious about the springs so that seemed like a safe topic of conversation to pursue. He wasn't the best at holding a conversation as it was and now his thoughts had been spun off into a whole different direction.