
Fall into the depths of my arms


08-25-2013, 12:12 PM (This post was last modified: 08-25-2013, 12:20 PM by Kairos.)

[Image: WiAPRcg.jpg]

Everything seemed to go downhill as much as Kai tried to hold it up. Things were happening fast as the dame opened her lips once more. What came out were words of sorrow; they dripped from her tongue like a sad song of words. Speaking with a dead man's face can make a soul yearn. she said before her legs gave out beneath her. Kairos was startled by her sudden movement and thought she had become ill at the sudden moment. He leaned forward as swiftly as he could and tried to cushion her buckle to the ground. When he realized she didn't collapse of sickness but of pain of the heart he perked up his black ears waiting for another symphony.

She spoke lust and decisions, Kai was thinking she was referring to his so called father. But that wasn't the story she was telling...she wasn't right. No! None of that was true! His mother didn't allow him to love her! Lies! His lips curled back but a snarl never came out. Why should he snarl at this dame for being wrong? She wasn't so bad...but bringing up what happened to his mother angered him most!

"You're wrong! She did not love him! He did not love her! He raped my mother! He took advantage of her. None of what you say is true in my mother's field. She is the kindest wolf I've ever know. And yet! With three children who were given to her from that horrid night she loved them and raised them still! How do you think it feels?!?! How it feels to look like te one who hurt her? She loved me yes but looks at me with fear sometimes!" he said as he held in his own tears.

And did the intermission to her symphony end as it continued. She was speaking if so many things...wise words. But then she said death stole him and about hatred. Kairos swiftly turned his head away as he bared his teeth at he ground in anger. His purple gaze swerved back to meet hers as he leaned in closer towards her so he could get the point through. His face was ever so close to hers, almost touching.

"Listen" he said gruffly before calming down a bit.

"At first I hated the bastard who I would have called father. If you truly understood what it's like to be different than the other pups, having to be the man of the family. My brothers and I, we pitied our mother! We love her and I know my brother even felt as if it was his fault! My birth-father brought pain to my family even though we stuck together. I never said I hated him as you say now. I wanted to meet him and have him teach me honestly. I'm almost a spitting image of him and I can feel myself growing up to be like him. I don't know what to do...I don't want to give in... It's either try to be who I'm told to be or be who I really am inside... he said before his voice grew softer and softer.

Kairos seemed aloof but he never moved his face. Taken into his thoughts about everything he was brought back by her voice. She spoke of how for a moment she wished to kiss him and taste the man who Kairos would call father. Brows furrowed as he thought. Pity groped his heart even though he knew he shouldn't. His purple gaze met her own before be replied in almost a whisper.

"I may not be my father but like father like son...After all, look at me, there's no question in that. And maybe...maybe you can taste me...." he said before he closed the gap and kissed the pretty vixen.

It took only a moment before it was done and he slowly drew back. Kairos looked at her with curiosity and interest. The brute wondered kf he had done the right or wrong thing...but odd enough he found that he could care less.

I talk,
I think,
you speak"