
the potential of you and me



Expert Fighter (210)

Expert Hunter (185)

10 Years

VolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
04-14-2020, 04:03 PM
She was more than pleased to know that Beat had gone to Corvus for help in his hunting. She had suggested the man to her nephew for some extra help if he needed it and Twig was glad he took it. ”He’s very sweet. I’m glad he’s found a cure to the curse he was under.” Even if she didn’t believe in any curse, he had, and he’d suffered for it. The conversation continued and she didn’t dwell on him. Her troubles were harder to focus on when she had Corvus’s smiling face in front of her. And his words on her ears! She felt herself blush more heavily and suddenly felt much more bashful at his admittance. He wanted to take care of her?

She tried not to dwell, Corvus spoke so matter of factly, like there had been no doubt in his mind that was what he wanted. Similarly, he was ready for the raid to be over and for spring to find them again. Likely everyone was. The last spring had been a let down with the continued volcanic activity, this would be their first true spring in far too long.

They deserved some time to themselves, Beat was taken care of for the evening. She had hunted enough and made a few patrols. Maybe the two of them could even make one together.. Twig tried to contain her train of thought, suddenly she was flustered and nervous and Corvus had already accepted her invitation. Did she dare call it a dinner date? Did he think she asked because of their friendship?

Twig tried to clear her thoughts, it didn’t matter. She knew she wanted to spend time with Corvus and he’d said yes. The way he smiled, the way he spoke.. The Memoire girl felt a warmth in her stomach that ebbed and grew with a nervous fluttering. There was one thing to cure that. ”Alright,” she started as she pushed herself to her pale paws. There was a mischievous glint in her eye as she worked through her nerves. ”Race me to the common area. I’ve got something waiting for us there.”

She did wait for him to get ready, and as soon as he lined up at the starting point he was on. ”Three, two, one… go!” Twig called out before she bolted in the direction of the kill pile.