


08-25-2013, 12:36 PM
OOC Name: Azzy
How did you get here?: Been here
Age: 18

Character's Name: Zoboomafoo Zabuza Gazgar
Age: 10
Season of birth: Spring
Size: Small (4 legged animals usually dont measure height) Under 20 inches maybe
Appearance description: Zabu is a relatively large lemur. He weighs 4.9 pounds, from head to body he is around 18 inches, his tail length is 25 inches, and in total length he is is 43 inches. He has a slender frame and narrow face, with a fox-like muzzle. His bushy tail is ringed in alternating black and white transverse stripes, numbering 12 white rings and 13 black rings, and ends in a black tip. The tail is longer than his body and is not prehensile, instead, it is only used for balance, communication, and group cohesion. The chest coat and throat are a white-cream. The back coat varies from gray to rosy-brown, sometimes with a brown pygal patch around the tail region, where the fur grades to pale gray or grayish brown. The dorsal coloration is slightly darker around the neck and crown. The hair on the throat, cheeks, and ears is white or off-white and also less dense, allowing the dark skin underneath to show through. The muzzle is dark grayish and the nose is black, and the eyes are encompassed by black triangular patches. The ears are relatively large compared to other lemurs and are covered in hair, which has only small tufts if any.
Duty: Advisor