
so critical



5 Years
Extra large

Critical Fail!
04-15-2020, 07:33 AM
Roan was laid on his back and suddenly Sirius was over him, protecting his vulnerable position from the enraged bear. Roan struggled to regain his breath and his feet, he couldn’t remain on the ground or he would perish. Thankfully Bast was also there to offer a distraction, and as the bear turned from the silver marked warrior he was able to bring himself to his paws. As he did the man looked up and all he could see was bear, the huge creature loomed over himself and Sirius. Before he could react Resin did.

The silver marked warrior roared as Resin leapt at the massive creature. Roan didn’t leave the woman on her own. As her teeth wrapped onto its skull Roan attacked its other side. He didn’t make it to its face and didn’t catch its attention like he wished to. Resin struck again, and to Roan’s horror threw the woman across the cavern.

The smell of hot blood filled Roan’s senses and rage ensued. Not thinking the man took to the bear once more. With its lifeblood pouring out the creature’s fight was lessening and as Roan’s huge jaws wrapped around its neck the wolf would be covered with the boiling hot liquid as he squeezed at his throat and cut off its air supply.

Weakly the bear paws at roan, but it caused nothing more than shallow cuts along his neck, with one final squeeze Roan pinched off the cae bear’s life force. With one final struggle the bear slumped to the ground and finally faded from its violent existence. Roan had killed the bear and his sister was finally avenged.

He dropped the creature, adrenaline raced through his veins but he hadn’t forgotten about Resin. Before anything else he lifted his head and called out for his future wife. They had a need for her. More than he wanted to admit. As Io was called, Roan turned his attention to Resin, he was only comforted by the subtle rising and fall of her chest.

As his Wife Iolaire may enter any of his threads.