
A Special Hunt


Odette I


3 Years
Sylvia 1

04-15-2020, 08:59 AM

Odette Mooncrest

It was nice to hear the brute speak so fondly of his brood, causing a faint longing for the woman to perhaps have her own litter one day, if she be so lucky. But to reach such a status, Odette would need to prove herself worthy of such a position. Today, would at teh very least, be her first step in a long journey to that golden future she dreamed of. Drawn back into the conversation by Sirius's laugh caused her to nearly jump in surprise, but ended with her smiling brightly up at the man. "You knew?!" She would laugh, surprised that the alpha knew of such violent hobbies yet told the handmaiden none of it. What other secrets did he keep? What other offenses did his children commit?

Unsure what exactly to expect in the prairie, having never been there before, Odette wondered what game they would be trying to hunt down today. Would they be going after quantity or quality? As many hares as they can find or the biggest bison they can tackle down? Looking over to her alpha, she noted that the man was quite large, and would most likely not be swift enough to catch too many hares, which meant they would most likely be after larger game. But what would they end up tracking down? It could be anything as far as she knew. Curiosity getting the best of her, Odette sighed softly and turned to Sirius. "Do you know what kind of prey we will find in the Prairie? I've never been before." Perhaps he didn't know either, but it was worth asking in her opinion. If she could prepare herself better in any way, Odette would try. This wasn't just her test, this was also a chance to provide for their pack; for the pups and the warriors, the queen and the healers, for all of her friends.


Table by Sea
Art by Fox
Odette has a Sand Cat companion named Cordonia, and a Welsummer Rooster named Dash. Unless mentioned, it is safe to assume they are not  with her.