
Soaring to new heights



04-15-2020, 01:47 PM

Great wings beat against the night sky. Although, with so many colors and flashing lights about, it didn't really seem like night at all. To the harpy, it was as bright as day. Good for eating her meal that she'd acquired in the neighboring land. She'd plucked a fat goose from its slumber and now looked for somewhere comfortable to eat it. With the dead bird clutched in wickedly sharp talons, the massive avian circled from above, looking for a suitable place to settle.

A moving spot of white in a sea of blues and greys caught her attention and she circled lower. Ahhh, what luck! A little puppy. Perhaps Celaeno could eat and have a bit of conversation too. If she felt generous, perhaps she would share her meal. She couldn't eat the whole thing, afterall. In fact, she wasn't even terribly hungry. She was simply eating out of convenience and habit. Large wings spread, beating audibly at the air as she lowered herself to perch upon one of the ice archways. Thankfully, this one was covered with a bit of crusted snow and so it gave her something suitable to hang on to. Releasing the dead goose, its head swaying precariously over the side of the archway, the silver and slate woman looked down to the little wolf below. "Greetings, wolfling." Her voice was strange and hollow sounding. The ends of her words lilted upwards. Abyssal black eyes took in the lone child. "A little cold for one so young to be out alone, eh? Are you well?"
