
A Special Hunt


Odette I


3 Years
Sylvia 1

04-15-2020, 07:14 PM

Odette Mooncrest

No amount of self control could keep Odette from laughing at his statement. Bloodthirsty indeed! His entire brood was a bit wild and a tad strange in the woman's opinion, but the princess was a beast in her own right. The idea of her growing up to the size of her father... was enough to cause a chill to run down the woman's spine. But she would remain hopeful, that not only would the princess carry her mother's colors, but perhaps her mother's height as well. The boys... well one could tell by the size of their paws, they would be destined for great heights. Odette could only pray their violent ways would be dulled with age, and if not, she could pray for their opponents. A swift end for those who dared to face the brood of giants. Thinking on his pups, on how small and helpless they once seemed, realizing how far they've come already, it pegged a deeper question. Where did Sirius come from? Was he just a fraction of his lineage? Or was he the mortal version of a god? Either way, Odette honestly wouldn't be surprised. She was only happy to be walking along side with the beast, rather than standing in his way.

She would listen closely as the Alpha listed off their potential game, her interest peaking when asked on her preference. Deer would be a nice meal; there was plenty of meet, the hide could be tanned, and a buck would get them horns to craft into tools for the warriors. However, a bigger game, like a bison, could give them the exact same results, but with more meet and hide. Depending on any other game they might find, the bison seemed like the best option for their pack. However... there was a reason why hunters shied away from hunting the big game; it was a battle to the death... and bison fight back. Odette, though never knowing a wolf to fall during a hunt, was not too keen on having a first time. She gave a side ways glance to the beast beside her, his height and mass probably rivaling that of a young bison. Perhaps, they would have a good chance... if they choose well. Taking a deep breath, the inspiring huntress stared thoughtfully at the land around them. "Bison. While I don't find a difference in the taste, there is a difference in the benefits. Thinking of the pack, with growing numbers every day, the more we can get the better. Large hide can line several dens of our new comers. And I bet the warriors could make something useful from the horns."

She sighed softly opting to drop her nose to the ground and take a long inhale of the dirt. So many sense to be had, definitely a fair share of herds frequented the area. But for how long? Winter would come soon and herds often migrated to the most bountiful lands. With any luck, the pair could still find a lingering herd. Perking her ears to the land beyond, Odette would drop her voice to a softer octave. "Of course, there are dangers, as always. And though it would be the best option, the herds will give us what they give us." Perhaps there would be a bison herd, but who was to say there would be any sick or weak ready for harvest? Perhaps they would be forced to move on, and find a more appealing target. But that didn't stop the woman from expressing her desires, her greatest wish for the others. Odette wanted to be more than a slave so she can do more for her pack mates. If she wanted to think selfishly, she would have stayed in the shadows, and enjoyed the relax life tending to the queen, her brood, and the chickens. But it wasn't enough. She wanted to meet all of her pack mates, to support them, and to make her Alphas proud!


Table by Sea
Art by Fox
Odette has a Sand Cat companion named Cordonia, and a Welsummer Rooster named Dash. Unless mentioned, it is safe to assume they are not  with her.