
Like Father Like Son




11 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

1KFamousTreat 2019
04-15-2020, 09:04 PM
He was old. Too old now to really do much of anything and he could feel it in his bones. And ever since the volcano erupted, he felt like all his energy had been sapped from his body. Spent from protecting Kestrel before Kairi found them. He spent most of his days sleeping, and he hardly had the energy to play with his grandkids which was unfortunate. He tried to spend whatever time he could with them, but in the end, he hardly had the energy to do anything but sleep. But when Torin called for him, he pulled himself to his paws and sought out his son. The old man had been doing his hardest to hide his failing state from the pack, but Kestrel being a senior and a healer herself, knew what was going on with him. He just had to hold out a little longer for the sake of his family.

It took some time for him to find his son, what with half a good eye left. Age hadn't been kind to him, but he figured perhaps it was karma finally getting him back for his years of being a dick and not showing the things he should have in the past. He had been hurt too much and it left him a bitter mane for the longest time. But it seemed just as he was turning away from that, the world went to shit and fate decided to finally make him pay his dues.

When Torin came into view, Zell hobbled towards him until he was close enough to see him clearly, which...was pretty close. "Son," He breathed. His voice raspy since the eruption. "Are you alright?" He knew his son well enough by now to figure out when something was wrong, even with half a good eye and his own failing health, he would always be there for his children until his last breath.

If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!