
Suppers On


Killian 2


2 Years
Extra large

04-16-2020, 12:01 AM (This post was last modified: 04-16-2020, 12:05 AM by Killian 2.)


It seemed like his ideas peaked her attention. Honestly it all sounded like a nice cause to invest his free time into. Lugging material to assist in repairs would improve his physique while tampering with traps and herbs would improve his mental functions. Plus, the addition of spending more time with a beautiful she-wolf didn't sound bad at all. Truthfully it sounded like a win win. His thoughts were interrupted by her cheery tones of agreement. Killian figured they would continue on with ideas at a later date or time. Hopefully the hens would be fine for the time being so he could enjoy the meal and company.

Since coming to Boreas Killian hadn't really spoken about himself. Perhaps that was why he went on about his rank with such passion. Day to day was spent doing his duties, small talk, and maybe the occasional flirting. But, Odette was the first Wolf to inquire about his personal life in a long while. Even Killian could appreciate that. "Elphias is a healer here in the Armada, im sure he would help if he isn't too busy. We look nothing alike so if you met him you probably wouldn't realize we were siblings." Elphias was nearly fully albino except some light grey patches in places. Their Klein genes did a toll on the boy but he seemed to work with it. "My other siblings are missing still. Though, I do have a lot of other relatives in the Empire." He assumed Odette was aware of the Klein name but maybe Zee kept a tight leash on the slave. "Do you have family here Boreas?"

Odette settled into a seated position as the chicken went over the flame. She seemed captivated by his explanation and offered her own input. Her comments made him think to those that would have his back. Sirius was a extremely prominent warrior but who else would be there on the frontlines? Killian was aware of some of the other pack members but he didn't know any of them. Would they risk their lives as he would for them? The slate beast tensed slightly before allowing slightly more serious eyes to flick towards the flame. "I hope so as well. It is just one of those things you have to find out the hard way. Who has the spine for war and who doesn't." Or who was loyal and who wasn't. Killian was a trained warrior with honor ingrained into him from a young age. He was one to go down with the ship, but were others?

Odette tended to the bird after commenting on the royal spawn. It was true the pups did seem to have a thirst for thrill. But, most did when they were born with everything laying at their paws. They didn't know any sort of real struggle so they had plenty of time to yearn for excitement. Hopefully it would stay that way as well, which was why he did his duty. "I' haven't met them but I have seen them running a muck." They were crazy pups but pleasant nontheless. It was always nice to have a pack bustling with new life. It made him dream of a day he may have his own offspring to run through the plains. Killian surely doubted it would ever happen for his life lacked much of any sort of true romance. Only fleeting flirtation.

The explanation of her role in the pack interested Killian quite a bit. His blue eyes were trained on her smaller form. For some reason Killian felt a pang of pain in his chest as she spoke the word slave. Never before did he have issues with servitude. The Klein male welcomed it even. Every Wolf had their purpose. But, the idea of Odette having a metaphorical chain wrapped around her neck bothered him. She was a nice and very free spirited Wolf, as well as beautiful. Killian hurt to think she would never have the ability to run across the border and experience what the rest of Boreas has to offer. - His thoughts shifted as she explained that she wouldn't always be a handmaiden. It made him feel a bit better. She seemed to truly be happy and love her home which was good to hear. But, knowing that she wasn't free still bothered him ever so slightly nontheless. To think, if Odette ever wished to run away it could be him to stop his friend from escaping. 'And I would. "I am glad to know you have found solace within your position in the pack. The Queen is a lucky lady to have you at her side, Odette." Killian flashed a sparkly ivory smile as his attention was turned to the cooked bird.

Belly rumbles and a salivating mouth came as the Chicken cooled on the stone. His eyes were trained on it but he knew if he dove in too quickly he'd end up burning himself. The male swallowed back the urge to rip the thing to shreds and looked towards Odette, "Where did you learn to cook?" He looked back towards the chicken and gave in to his temptation. Lips curled upward in a silent snarl as he gripped a leg and ripped it from the rest of the chicken. Steam flew from the tender meat as he plopped it on the ground in front of him and began to pick at it. Trying to be polite since it's not just some prey he freshly caught and he was in the presence of a pretty lass. The meat tasted like nothing he had ever had before and he consumed the chicken leg with ease, licking the bone clean. Killian looked up to Odette with hungry eyes, "This is delicious! Thank you." The thought of having something like this on the daily basis entered his mind. Maybe he could learn how to cook or perhaps they could trade. Killian protects and helps fix the hen house and in return she makes him delicious food. It was something that sounded wonderful but he would never ask for anything in return. The company and busy work was enough to peak his interest alone.
