
Fall into the depths of my arms


08-25-2013, 03:10 PM (This post was last modified: 08-25-2013, 03:14 PM by Kairos.)

[Image: WiAPRcg.jpg]

The brute wondered what he was doing suddenly; so caught up in the conversation with this woman and a kiss, he remembered his family back at the Cove. Brows furrowed as he thought about them. His brothers had dissapeared or left while he was the only child left. No, he wasn't a child anymore...he was a man. Straightening his shoulders Kairos came to a verdict. He rather liked this dame and the spark he felt when he kissed her. Mabe it was just a first time thing but he didn't care. The brute could see it in her eyes, she wanted more. And what did he want? Did he want more? Maybe he did...maybe he did. But look at each other did they do as she seemed to think deeply about something. During that he stood before her still and looked at her and patiently waited for her to speak again.

Surprisingly next the dame apologized, then continued to look at him. It wasn't long before she opened her pretty mouth again and spoke of rape and impulses a brute can get. The vixen finished of how he had yet to experience it as she described it rather not with a soft tone but of a hint of want.

Kairos' purple gaze looked into her violet ones. It looked like she wanted him but her words confused him. Lastly she spoke and said she was sorry for his mother and mentioned the feeling of if she looked at her own children with fear. Black ears ppressed against the young man's skull for a moment as he looked away. Kairos felt ashamed of who he was, a monster of a monster. But he wasn't a monster....yet. Kai resented that feeling of shame whenever he went back tot he Cove. How his mother sometimes looked at she would stare at him and he could see it in her eyes. The make even pitied his mother, only being left with the son she didn't like the most. She probably loves him but his image probably brings up bad memories and thoughts. Then again he knew she worried for him...worries that he'll turn into the man who had helped create him. And still her worrying was not going to waste...she should worry...because everything she had predicted so far was coming true.

The bastard of a bastard perked up his ears slightly as he listened to the dame's final words that were almost inaudible. She threw in that she didn't fear him. And it all clicked...she accepted him for who he was. She wouldn't look at him like his family did. But the only other one who didn't look at him that was was cousin Cross, actually Uncle Cross. Kairos was at the edge, he had to jump.

Sighing he took in the moment as he replayed the sentence the female had spoken.

"If you don't fear me...then in my terms you accept me for who I am....Amd what else do I see in your eyes as you sit there? Look into mine and you will see the same thing." he said in a whisper again.

The brute leaned forward so he would gently brush his muzzle against her own. Kai could care less now, there was no going back.

"Your name...tell me your name. So with your name I may know the name of the wolf that has taken my heart. Who has taken it." he said before pulling away in a taunting manner of touch.

The man stood there with his purple eyes fixated on her. He didn't want to go home, he didn't want to be the innocent yearling...he wanted to be who he really was inside. The scar on his muzzle showed who he really was...only in the dark it is visible and in the dark he would be. The yearling let it out now...he wasn't going to be nice nor exactly like his father...but similar. A mix of opposites as they both collide. Inside him was a torrent of storms and high stormy waves. Unpredictable, mysterious, mischevious...what more was there in him? Only he would know. He would surprise many and would start from here.

Kairos didn't look for an invitation as not did he care. Taking his forepaws up he would attempt to push the dame onto her back. If she let him push her then he would hover over her, his body aligned with hers perfectly. He would lower his head and kiss her once more before asking again.

"Your name?" he asked in a soothing tone

If she did not end up on her back he would cover up the intention with a sudden kiss before asking the same question again.
I talk,
I think,
you speak"