
The Capriana



08-25-2013, 03:27 PM
Name: Liliya
Gender: Female
Age: 1 year
Appearance: Liliya is a beautiful little wolf, a lot like her mother. She has the white fur her mother has, along with almost everything else, no, make that every feature her mother has, even the crimson, that covers all four of her paws. Lillya's eyes are her mother's dark green, almost black. Liliya is very small, unlike either of her parents, the smallest a wolf can be without being a skeleton. Lillya has very long legs to make her for her skinny body, with almost every bone in her body showing. As for her fur, Lillya has her mother's fur. It is the beautiful cream, that looks like the purest snow. This is interrupted by only one marking, but one that will make her really as unique as a wolf her size could get. A small, curved up darker cream stripe tries to hide itself underneath both of Lillya's beautiful eyes.

Personality: Liliya is an odd little wolf, beautiful on the out-side, but not as much on the in-side. She is evil, like her mother, but part for her wants to be a normal wolf without blood on her paws, to be happy. But the other half of her won't let her stop, won't let her forget it all and start a new life. Liliya has grown wild and untrusting of men, for reasons she doesn't tell anybody, except maybe her closest friends. Lillya's peace loving side thinks that she doesn't deserve to be loved because of her blood-lust and evil ways. Her blood loving side thinks that she shouldn't love anyone, but kill them all. Any male that comes near her is quickly slaughtered in a bloody mess unless they can show their love for her. This would be really hard to those she does not know, but, to her closest friends, probably not as much, because she already trusts them all, even the males she despises so much, no matter who they are or even if they saved her life that she has tried to end so much but ends up deciding not to. Something is wrong with Liliya's life, something she doesn't even want to tell Renesme, her most trusted family member.

I was thing her hatred for males could be something about her father.