
Through Everything The World Continues To Revolve



5 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Ice Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterPride - AsexualDouble Master
Critical Fail!Valentines 2020
04-16-2020, 06:48 PM
I wanted to seek, but I got distracted

Lúta carefully took a bottle from Ragna's stash, a small bottle of whiskey. It was terribly precious as it took the monkey fairly long to make. She worked the cork free and then with Ragna's help she poured some of it over the root. The alcohol would help leech the healing properties out of the root. She worked the cork back in and set it aside.

She took out her waterskin next and carefully poured some water into the bowl that held the root. She set the skin down and looked up at the man who introduced himself as Rhyme. She nodded. "Yea, infusions. By soaking a medical herb in water you can sometimes infuse the water with the healing elements of the plant. The water can make it easier for a patient to get the medicine." She carefully scooted the bowl closer to the fire. "Sometimes heat can help this process."

Lúta took a moment to place the marigold flowers in a bowl as well. She then added water to this one and carefully pushed it next to the fire with the other bowl. This would be a useful infusion. "You can use the infusion of marigold petals internally as well as externally so there are lots of possibilities."

She nodded at the mention of winter. "Yes, I hope it will be a milder winter but it's really hard to tell these days." She bent her head and picked up the bundle of marigold she had tied earlier. She walked over to a nearby tree and then swiftly leapt up into it, using her claws to stabalize herself as she climbed out onto one of the low branches. Once there she bent her head and tied the bundle of marigold onto the branch. Satisfied that that task was done she leapt down.