
the potential of you and me



Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Hunter (155)

9 Years
Extra large

Mammoth HunterPride - BisexualBeeventVolcanoChristmas 2019Promptober 2019
04-16-2020, 09:17 PM
Though Corvus had heard mention of this supposed curse, he wasn't sure what to make of it either. It wasn't like it mattered much what he thought about it. He certainly could relate to the feeling of being cursed though, even if he'd never quite called it anything like that... he remembered feeling eerily like a dark cloud was hanging over him, and over Abaven. He was just glad that Beat no longer felt like that, glad he was home at least. "I'm glad too," Corvus agreed with a soft smile. He was glad when she didn't stop and dwell on his little quip about wanting to take care of Twig too. Wanting to protect her felt natural now, in a way that was different than how he wanted to take care of the rest of Abaven, though he no doubt wanted that too.

He was intrigued by whatever she had in mind, and he wasn't afraid to show it. The grin he suddenly wore felt like he'd have to fight to even begin to force it down, as if he'd want to. "Something, huh?" Corvus was beyond flattered that she'd even planned up something in advance for him - there was absolutely no way he could deny an invitation like this, no matter how busy he was. Hopefully she hadn't worried he'd say no. "Alright, but I'm not gonna let you win so easily this time," Corvus fibbed with a low chuckle. He hadn't let her win last time - he'd actually tried pretty hard to beat her, though ultimately he'd failed. Winning had never really mattered to him though, not when it came to her.

He furrowed his brow as they halted together, waiting for her cue to begin. He kicked off hard, determined to beat her despite knowing he likely wouldn't. Either way it didn't matter. Already his day was proving to be a good one, his heart already feeling lighter since being in her presence. By the time he reached the area she'd instructed them to meet at he had to slow down, panting hard and twisting his head around to see how much of a lead she'd gained on him.