
Look Out 'Cause Here I Come


04-17-2020, 04:50 PM
The trio gave him sympathy and the small man gave his little head a shake, but there was a smile on his face. "No, no. I'll be fine. I always am. Thank you though for your thoughts." Though cold and coming down from his adrenaline high, the chap was still chipper. His tail hadn't stopped swishing the entire time that he was with them. He loved company and truly believed that he wasn't meant to be a lone wolf. He thrived on companionship.

Luta suggested that Octave and Noko take Kite back with them and the earthen wolf looked towards them. "Do you think they'd like me? I don't really want to spend the winter alone." He wasn't sure if he could spend the winter alone. He was so small and he was a terrible hunter. He would surely end up dying in a ditch somewhere. If Abaven wouldn't take him in, he'd find some other pack. The little wolf wrinkled his nose. "I don't have anything to offer a pack, but I'm willing to learn." Kite possessed zero skills. He had always relied on the mercy of his family pack to survive. Now that he was alone... he'd eaten a dead fish the other day. There were no dead fish in winter.

Soon the tea was finished and Kite scooted towards it on his belly, hind legs splayed out with his tail swishing back and forth over his heels. Holding the dish between his tan and white paws. Eyes closed and he inhaled lightly, enjoying the steam and the scent. "Ahhhh..." he released with pleasure before taking a lap of the flavored liquid. "Mmm, delicious! Thank you!" Taking a few more laps, he could feel the warmth fill his empty belly. It was a lovely feeling.