
Dream A Little Dream Of Me



Master Fighter (310)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

10 Years
Extra large

Double MasterValentines 2020Treat 2019Promptober 2019
04-17-2020, 06:50 PM (This post was last modified: 04-17-2020, 06:50 PM by Éldi.)
She'd been in his dreams again, kissing his neck, whispering in his ear. Éldi had woken up feeling far too hot and so he'd taken a stroll along the black sand beaches, watching the moonlight shimmer on the water as the ocean waves rolled in. Autumn continued to linger and some how even the moon reminded him of Eyrún's eyes. It was time to admit it. He desired her and he wanted to be with her but he had no idea how to go about all of this.

Éldi swiped a rock out into the ocean. He'd grown up in a traditional family with the assumption that his marriage would be arranged. He had no idea how to court a woman. Courtship was frowned upon in his family and his father told him that courting a woman was an excellent way to bring down the wrath of the woman's family and end up maimed or dead. Marriage was best left to the parents to arrange and he needn't worry himself over it.

Well, his parents weren't here. He was free from their political maneuvering and could choose to pursue whomever he wanted and as far as he knew Eyrún's parents weren't here either. However, she was a Finnvi, and that presented two problems.  Éldi sat down on the beach as his mind whirled through thoughts. What would Valkyrie think? Also, the Finnvi's were a well known family. While his parents were both respected fighters they were not as high up as the Finnvi family. Would Eyrún even think him worth it?

Éldi shook his head. Too much thinking. That wasn't like him. What he did know was he wanted to see here again and at that moment the shrieking cries of a band of coyotes started echoing out across the cove. Éldi grinned and padded stealthily over to Eyrún's den.

"Psst, Eyrún? Want to help me chase off these coyotes?"