
Bear It In Mind

[More Bear Murder]



Advanced Fighter (85)

Intermediate Intellectual (30)

5 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Halloween 2020 - Witches Hut1KValentines 2020Trick 2019
04-17-2020, 08:24 PM
Flesh opened beneath his fangs, spilling hot thick blood over his tongue, rank bear scented fur covering his nose so he coughed and choked around the blood so that he had to leap away too soon, the bear nearly taking his nose off when it missed the claw-filled slap it had aimed at him. The tip of one claw clipped the top of his nose and drew a burning line across it, but the bear's attention was drawn by the glowing form if the Valhalla alpha and drew it away from both Eligos and the other male who'd been knocked down by it.

The longer this fight was drawn out the more likely one of the wolves was to be maimed. The wound to the bear's flank showed the slick surface of organs peeking through the rend, but they couldn't count on it killing the creature fast enough to save them all. The Valhallan's fangs were unnaturally long amd sharp - she would be the most likely to land a killing blow with the opportunity to reach the beast's throat. He could give her the opportunity, but if she didn't take it out of wariness of his motives, he was likely to be the bear's first victim.

"Tear its fucking throat out," he roared at her over the sounds of their battle, points of hellish light seeming to dance within those blood red eyes as they glittered with the glazed look of fury.

He grimly dove beneath the bear, latching on to its forepaw as he did and letting his momentum jerk it along with him behind its other forepaw, temporarily tangling it up with itself so it had to stagger. Its throat was exposed for that moment, but it wouldn't be long before it recovered its balance and chose to simply rise on its hind legs and crush him against its chest.