
Time to flex some muscles


Nolan I


2 Years
Dire wolf
Athena I

04-18-2020, 06:29 PM
Nolan rolled his shoulders and leaned his head from one side to the other, reaching forward his his forepaws till he got a good stretch though his back while he waited for someone to join him, getting his muscles warmed up. He was just as excited as he always was whenever he got to spar. Even though he hadn't had much experience just yet in an actual fight where the results meant more than just a boost to his pride or a sense of accomplishment, he was very familiar with these sorts of practice fights. He used to practice with his father all the time and even after his father passed he kept up that training with Ochre and the other fighters in their band of wolves. Sparring reminded him so much of his father and it made him happy every time he did it.

He grinned when he spotted Domari come into the clearing, nodding his head to the older male in return. "Absolutely! I'd love to spar with you!" he replied enthusiastically before beginning to settle into that defensive stance that had been burned into his memory as soon as he had been coordinated enough to follow his father's instructions. The ground was fairly soft under paw so he let his toes spread and claws dig into the ground while he steadied himself and got ready to meet whatever Domari threw at him. He didn't really care who won or lost, he was just having fun and working those skills before they got dull.

"Wanna take the first swing?"

Nolan Thorben Adravendi vs Domari Xanilov for Spar
Round 0/2
Age: Over 1 year
Size: Dire wolf
Build: Light
Defensive Battle Accessory: Leather bracers
Skills: Beginner Fighter & Beginner Hunter
Specialty: N/A