
What're You Lookin' At?



The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Expert Hunter (120)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

13 Years
Dragon Mod

1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Christmas 2019Treat 2019
04-18-2020, 10:58 PM (This post was last modified: 04-18-2020, 10:58 PM by Greed.)

He was all patched up and had left the healers to tend to others that needed it, and he wasn't quite sure what to do while he waited for the outcome of the raid. Since they were closer to the southern lands, he figured...why not try to see if Acapella had been this way? Maybe she had gone back home after the eruption separated them...He had been searching for her, but he hadn't gone as far south or west as he probably should have to broaden his search. Every day that kept passing without a word from her kept him worried. He didn't know if she was safe, didn't know if she was alive...and the thought of her not being alive made his heart feel heavy. So while the others were fighting, he took off towards the direction of her home pack. He needed to know if she was there. If she wasn't, he wasn't sure what he'd do. She was his mate. He had to try and find her, or at least...find out if she was still alive. Would they even tell him? They had banished her all that time ago just for talking to him. While he despised them for throwing a blind and helpless woman out like that, maybe they decided it was the wrong thing to do and took her back in if she had been injured from the eruption. His fears and worries about her fueled him on, taking him across the prairie and on his way to the western pack.


Art||Plot with me!

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