
Crafty Hunters [Mint]



2 Years
04-19-2020, 02:30 PM

Mint traversed the estuary with careful steps. Muddy paths surrounded by shallow water made it hard to travel with ease. Grass dusted her ankles and various birds watched above in the various trees. Previously Mint was spending most of her time near Fireside but she figured it was time to start studying the other areas of Boreas. As a huntress in training it was her duty to find exotic animals and livestocks to herd back to the pack. The list of things to learn and work on were long beneath her new position in the pack. Mint found it hard to not be overwhelmed but that ambitious side of her seemed to shine through. The mahogany babe would take one day at a time and try to improve upon all of her skills as time went on.

The scent of a fresh killed filled her nose rather easily. Metallic scents of blood and another Wolf clung to the air. Sharp green eyes took in the surrounding area as she approached the wooded area north of the waters. Blood painted the earth and painted the picture for her. A large carcass had been dragged into the tree line by seemingly an unknown Wolf. Mint raised a brow as she prowled further into the woods, careful to not spook the stranger.

Green eyes locked onto the sight of a Wolf working away on a smaller set of antlers. Chewing away to seemingly make something out of the bone. She witnessed the Foxes move from the scene at the Wolves digression. Mint raised her head and broke through the tree line. She didn't want to give off any threatening vibes to the stranger since Wolves are often possessive of their kill. "Hello there." Her eyes flicked to the antlers then back towards the Wolf. "Mind if I ask what you are working on?"