
Fall into the depths of my arms


08-25-2013, 06:39 PM

She moved through the north with the slow moving confidence of a continent, head low and shoulders rolling easily so massive paws kissed the ground as softly as possible. Nose quivered, she was on a mission, following Newt?s scent as she had been since their last encounter. In Newt?s current state Zara didn?t trust her off on her own with her thoughts, only if Champion was with her would Zara let her out of range. But today Champion was not with her. Zara had only briefly met the large beta of the pack a few times but she had given off a good aura and Newt had seemed to have liked her right off the bat. Though Zara?s opinion of Newt?s taste had changed drastically when she had brought the rapist and murderer of Taiyae home with her to rule beside her. But that was all behind them now, Kaios was dead and off rotting in a hole somewhere probably, Newt was all hers. But still the giant woman?s mental state worried Zara, it seemed that they needed each other to achieve any sort of clarity.

Newt?s scent drifted towards her like a delicate perfume on the winds and her massive skull lifted, inhaling deeply. Though what joined it was not what she had expected or wanted to smell and immediately her lips curled back into a snarl. There was a male with Newt and though she didn?t recognize the scent as one of Kaios?s bastard children she didn?t need it to let the rage swell within her. It hadn?t been long since she and Newt had last met and already she was running off to find the company of another wolf? A man none the less? And a young one it seemed? Rage engulfed her and hackles flew up making the beast seemingly double in size. Her pace was quicker now but head was lowered and defenses were set before she even approached the scene. There would be a fight, there was no doubt about that.

She didn?t know about what they were doing but all she heard were their voices and that was more than enough for her. Teeth snapped through the air threateningly. The blind female walked slowly, not speeding up as she let her appearance dawn upon the male, her massive size mixed with the countless scars was often enough to intimidate opponents. Especially ones as young as this. Teeth would snarl and snap again, torn and frayed ears pinned to her skull as white eyes narrowed at the male. "Well I say, back the fuck away from my woman?" Words were a hiss, a threat coiled within them as she came to Newt?s side. Disappointment and even a bit of hurt radiated off the war torn woman. They would talk later but Zara was getting fed up with this. She was getting sick of fighting off other wolves that newt was willingly giving herself to.

She had stood by idly with Kaios but this was it. This was enough. If it didn?t end soon then Zara was ready to leave, she didn?t want to be chasing after someone who didn?t want her. "Child you?re not even old enough to claim a mate. But you are old enough to be claimed. For speaking to my mate I challenge you to a fight for your freedom.? She wasn?t afraid to beat the kid into a pulp and then drag him around with her just to teach him not to hit on women the way he was. Even if they were asking for it she was ready to make him never want to look at a woman again. Of course if she ever found out who his father was that desire to punish him would only increase.

She didn?t want for him to respond, instead threw a bark over her shoulder at Newt with clear instruction. Back up. Stance widened as the mammoth of a woman settled herself in to brace for just about anything. Head came down parallel with her spine and then chin tipped down to further protect her neck. Eyelids would flutter closed and ears would pin to her skull. Since visibility wasn?t an issue for the woman anyways she did everything to protect her eyes anyways. She didn?t especially want to lose one. Praecox had only had one eye and Zara had always thought that it was creepier then it was cool. Plus for her style of fighting she didn?t especially need sight anyways. She would break him? Crooked tail was lowered but still behind her slightly for balance. She was ready, waiting for this punk kid to make his move, lips curled back into a snarl. He had started expecting to claim a woman and now Zara would make him fight for his very freedom.

"Talk here."

Zara vs. Kai ? round 0 of ?? for dominance

Defenses: paws spread to keep her weight even and ready to move or brace. head parallel to her back and chin tipped down to protect her throat. eyes closed and ears back to minimize things to grab onto. tail behind her for balance.

Attacks: none yet

Injuries: first round
ooc;; edited to add fight form, as per usual challengee chooses the rounds :)