
avert ye gaze, point dem peepers elsewher

claiming or recruiting?



4 Years
04-19-2020, 06:24 PM (This post was last modified: 04-19-2020, 06:44 PM by Senka.)
OOC: Senka is up for claiming or recruiting! Keep in mind that she is surly and definitely a fixer upper.

Senka creaked across the battefield muttering expletives all the while. The sun was setting and she had spent the better part of a day working through a bladder of rum. To say she wasn't feeling much of anything was an understatement. The only thing holding Senka aloft was a high tolerance stemming from years of practice. She'd spent much of her life perfecting the art of staying upright while being fall down drunk. Last night her mind refused to quiet. Senka had replayed painful events over and over until she was exhausted. Even then she couldn't fall asleep. She'd tossed and turned; her memories refusing to leave her be. It was for that reason she'd sought out the rum maker at first light. Maybe now she could sleep, eh?

She startled a crow by accident and sent it reeling for the sky in a flurry of feathers. The scare was mutual; Senka hadn't seen it either. Senka lurched to the side, nearly fell, and then overcompensated by leaning too far out in the other direction. She then stood like that, threatening to fall over at any moment, and glared up after the crow. "That's right you..." she pursed her lips, at a loss for words, "You sorry winged, wretched thing. You better fly before dees big feet here," somehow she managed to lift a paw without tumbling over. "Stomp all o'er ya soory feathered behind!"

Her gaze fell to the ground and she continued to ramble angrily. "You'da deserved it, you dumb bird scaring me like that...who does that? Just take to the heavens like a fucking...uhh? Chicken 'r somefing. Hawk maybe. Ain't no hawk dumbass black bird. Crow or some shit. Raven. Who the fuck knows which is what." Finally she remembered her foot was raised and set it back down slowly. "Bastard. Good riddance."
Consider all of Senka's threads M rated for language.