
Suppers On


Odette I


3 Years
Sylvia 1

04-20-2020, 02:09 AM

Odette Mooncrest

Family.. it was never a concept that held much meaning to the woman. While she understood the bonds she held with those who shared her blood, it seemed that even those natural given connections cannot hold up alone. Her own family were primative in the fact they always moved and they left behind anyone who couldn't keep up. Odette had no doubt the group had moved on, her kin floating across the lands like leaves on a breeze. It never bother the fawn woman until today, until she spoke with Killian and he was able to express his joy in being with his family. It stirred a feeling the woman never quite had before; longing. While Odette longed to be free of her metaphorical chains and climb the ranks of the Armada, this longing was different. It was a craving to build a family like the Kleins; one bred with loyalty and passion driven deep within their bones. It was a feeling she quickly tried to shake off, forcing herself to smile softly at the warrior, but the feeling lingered.

Killian's hope that Odette would be able to find family in these lands only made her longing deepen as she turned her chin to the heavens, the faintest of smiles pulling at the corners of her lips. "I guess it would be nice to have a big family. Though it would surely take several litters of pups to even come close to your families size, huh?" Odette had only met a handful, but to build something like the Ashen Empire with so many family members it requires two packs, clearly took a lot of Kleins to make happen. She had thought they bred like rabbits, or maybe had abnormally large broods, but after a moment it became clear it probably was built over several generations, rather than just one or two. Still, the idea of a large family would hang in Odette's thoughts as she brought her gaze back down to the male's handsome features, allowing a playful grin to line her lips.

'I have no doubt you could do some damage', Odette laughed at the thought, her joy ringing out into the air as she shook her head. "Perhaps to myself. You may have fallen asleep during your herbal classes but I failed miserably at my defense training." She could almost swear that every lesson ended with Odette on the ground, beaten and bruised, her family disappointed and furious. But what could be done? The woman held no anger within her small frame, the only emotion even coming close would be that of protection. The first example coming to mind was that of her precious birds and their never ending predators she constantly faced off with. But there was a difference between fighting a fisher cat and fighting another wolf. A fairly large difference.

When Sirius's name came up, Odette nodded with a broad smile on her lips as she giggled. "Oh yeah. Just wait until his brood is fully grown too, they could lay claim to half the continent within the week!" It was said with laughter, but the threat was undoubtedly real. Odette often thought of the future, and her concerns for all those who opposed Sirius and his pups.. was very real. Each one was as lethal as their sire, and to have four more like him... they practically had an army already. However, Odette still did not know who was an enemy to the Empire, if there were any at all. To have a whole pack dedicated to being an Armada, surely they intended to fight someday? But the question still remained; who?

For a moment.. just a split moment, Odette thought she had accidentally offered to have the man sleep in her den, with her. Heat flushed to her cheeks and her mind started rushing through inappropriate thoughts causing her to falter with her words. "I mean, it wouldn't be intrusive because.. you know.. you'd have your den and I'd have mine. W-we would just be neighbors... well closer neighbors." Unable to meet his gaze, Odette stared at her paws, holding her breath as she internally agonized over the idea. At the mention of his... unfortunate sleeping habits, Odette laughed softly, lifting her head back up as she did so. "I don't mind at all, as long as you don't mind Dash's early morning calls." Odette had quickly learned to sleep through the first few of the rooster's alarms, but with the coop being ever so near, it was impossible to not wake up eventually.

Ah, so there was a use for such items! The female smiled happily to herself as she quietly licked her paws and swiped away the remains of her dinner. She stopped her small grooming when Killian asked if she was a huntress, the title sounding very impressive to her hears. "I suppose I dabble. I actually had hoped Sirius would one day make me an official hunter for the pack, once I earned it. Huntress Odette, has a nice ring to it, hm?" It was a work in progress, but perhaps after all her months of servitude, the moment would arise. Lifting herself into a sitting position she tilted her head to the side a bit with playful eyes. "Would you like to go hunting? See if we can't get you a big bull or buck to make your deadly weapons?"


Table by Sea
Art by Fox
Odette has a Sand Cat companion named Cordonia, and a Welsummer Rooster named Dash. Unless mentioned, it is safe to assume they are not  with her.