
Greedy Bones



6 Years
Extra large
04-20-2020, 02:21 AM

With the striped woman pulled close against his chest, the big man closed his blood red eyes, purely content. Her words though, a confession that she wished the night wouldn't end, brought one eye cracking open again to look down upon her. He felt that she was a sad, lonely soul. Maybe the night wouldn't end if she wished hard enough. If anything he could push a boulder in front of the door and block out the light. Then it could be night for as long as they wanted.

Bellamy then began to speak. She shared her past with him. The joy. The love. The pain. Her past shared similarities with his own, though in different ways. While her family was killed and she was enslaved, he had been the one killing and enslaving. The brutes brow furrowed. He regretted his beginning. The only consolation was that he was no longer that person. He had learned and he had grown. He had lived the life of those that he had formerly enslaved. Now wasn't the time to share such thoughts with the woman nestled against him. This night was for her release. She would work through her thoughts and feelings tonight. Besides, Sparhawk didn't tell others about his past. Ever.

It was a pity that the woman had such a rough life. She was too pretty to feel so badly all of the time. He wished that there was something that he could do for her, but there wasn't. Nothing more than what he was doing now. She needed someone to listen. A friendly ear. Someone to let her release without judgement. Right now, he was that person. As she spoke, spilling the dramatic tale of her past, he simply held her close and stayed quiet. Outside the rain hammered down and lightning lit the sky here and there. He didn't hear any thunder though which was odd. Thankfully the fire held the cold of the storm at bay. They had enough wood to last for a time and when the fire was gone, the fur was large enough to cover them.

When she spoke of never wanting to be a slave again, Sparhawk tucked his ears back against his skull for a moment. "No doubt you are stronger now than you were then. You will not be taken again." She then spoke of being a monster and Sparhawk lifted one paw, tapping the woman lightly on the top of her head right between the eyes. "You are your own master. You control you. You just have to make your mind let you be who you need to be." He lowered his paw. "Just because you did bad things doesn't make you a bad woman. You just have things to sort out in your brain. No big deal. Takes time. We all have bad to overcome." He surely did. Perhaps he was like her once. These days, Sparhawk was as easy going as they came. Would he fight to the death if someone tried to take him captive? You bet. Would he let the possibility rule the rest of his days? Absolutely not.


Sparhawk has a very heavy Russian accent. Forgive his bad grammar.
[Image: LQ5dpAT.gif]
Sparhawk <3 Poem