
Shoot Me Down




5 Years
Extra large
Athena I

04-20-2020, 02:59 PM

"You'll just never learn will you?"

"Leave him alone. He killed them, did he not?"

"Sure, but look at him. He's a bloody mess. He should know how to fucking dodge by now."

"Stop it. He did his best."

"Are you so sure about that? No wolf of my blood should be so sloppy and weak."

The voices darted back and forth across his skull as if they didn't know he was listening while he used a tembling paw to splash water from the pool in front of him onto his bloody leg. A new wound joined the collection of healed scars that darted around his body, a jagged bite right at the top of his left foreleg. The blood had dripped down and nearly covered the entirety of the limp, the dark hue nearly blending in with his equally dark coloring and just making the fur there look wet and clumped. It wasn't until he started washing off the blood that it really became apparent how much blood he had lost. The water in front of him started to become tinged with red and the ground under his feet was speckled with blood as it dripped off of him.

"You're the one that got him into this to begin with! He wouldn't have even bothered with them if you hadn't pushed him to do it."

A pair of coyotes laid dead about a dozen feet behind him and he didn't care. It felt like a hollow victory and the blood splashed across his lips and chest did little to satisfy the demons that swirled in his brain. They continued to argue back and forth, shouting over his own thoughts till they felt drowned out entirely. His hackles bristled and he tried to block them out, but the sounds buzzed in his ears till even the sounds of the world around him began to disappear. The air felt heavy in his lungs and the trembling of his paws began to spread to his shoulders. It didn't matter how hard he tried to breathe, it felt like he couldn't get enough air into his tight, panicked chest.

His claws dug into the dirt under his feet and he stared at the blood tinted water blankly with his jaw tensed and teeth gritted together. Eventually his mind would tire itself out and he would be free to move once more, but until then he felt trapped in an endless loop. His vision began to grow blurred as the blood loss began to creep up on him, but he wouldn't close his eyes for more than a moment. If he did he could almost picture the wolves fighting among themselves in his brain, his mother stuck in the center of it all.

"Speech" Thought