
hot dogs




3 Years

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveChristmas 2019
04-20-2020, 04:22 PM
Well, well, well... this was certainly an unusual place. Eyrún had decided to venture off from Hjarrandi's currently stomping grounds and see if she could find something of interest, even if it only entertained her briefly. When she saw a series of caverns, carved into the very core of the earth itself, she hardly hesitated to slip down into the darkness. Her descent - at least initially - wasn't a terribly difficult feat, and slowly her eyes began to adjusted to the dim light of the caverns.. though it became quickly apparent that there was another source of light, somewhere deeper in the caves.


Though her mind was on her surroundings, she was distracted by her own idle endeavor. On her way in she'd found a stick, the wood broken off cleanly at a sharp point. It made a perfect writing instrument, even if etching designs into something was a remarkably tricky thing for a wolf. Pausing, she angled her head up and directed it toward the cave's wall, angling it carefully to draw a long, straight line. The stick wasn't actually carving into the stone as much as it was just dispersing bits of wood in a faint pattern on the surface of the stone. The next portion was a bit trickier - a half-diamond coming off the right side of the line - but in this task Eyrún was frustratingly patient and methodical. Likely the symbol would fade quite quickly with time, though she wondered if it might last a bit longer, given the nature of this place.

Content with her work - well, as much as she could see, given the lack of direct light - Eyrún readjusted her stick in her mouth and continued deeper into the cave. The sulfuric scent of this place was growing stronger, the heat growing less bearable, and... someone was up ahead? Their silhouette was visible thanks to the ebbing glow that flickered up ahead, and her interest was piqued. "Praise Logi!" Eyrún called it, her form of a greeting, as a faint grin touched her lips as she drew closer to the stranger.