
Overlooking the kingdom from my throne



3 Years
04-20-2020, 04:38 PM (This post was last modified: 04-21-2020, 12:52 PM by Skyfire.)

Just after the "soak into my bones" thread. Mid-morning.

Skyfire had finally cleared out all of the rough minerals from her coat after meeting with Cairo and the albino wolf with the black snake. Skyfire shivered at the thought of that slinky thing around her neck. How did that woman ever get a snake for a companion? Ick. Skyfire rolled her eyes as she cleaned the last of her tail, watching it shimmer in the sunlight. "There. Now I feel better." she mused to herself as she inspected her reflection. Skyfire's coat was shimmering and waving in the slight breeze, and it draped around her body like a cape.

Slender legs, shoulders, and neckline all gave the hint that she was a runner and an explorer. Skyfire disliked the idea of fighting unless it actually came down to defending those she loved or was close to, but she would use her nimble body to out maneuver her opponents. While lacking the strength to fight others bigger than her, she had the endurance to out run them, and to fight for long periods. So long as someone didn't bite her in half, Skyfire was fine.

What Sky was generally good at was remembering landmarks, preserving information in her mind, and locating the best secret ways to travel. She was cunning, yes, and made decisions pretty quickly. Even if some of them were brash. Sky had yet to regret a single one of them, but that would bite her in the ass one day, she figured. For now, she didn't focus too much on the past as hunger settled on her mind.

Within the hour, Sky had a rabbit in hand and was feasting off its carcass. How she longed to taste the flesh of elk and moose again. While Moose had more of a gamey flavor than she liked, the dark red meat was always so filling. Plus, their hides made excellent carpets in a den. Not as furry as bear or buffalo, but just as warm and comfortable. How she missed her den with her hides and bones to chew on. The world was a lot rougher than she thought it would be. Sky was no longer having things handed to her. Now she had to earn her keep.

Skyfire thinks. Skyfire listens.

"Skyfire speaks."