
Whos this now?



Missing from Armada

2 Years
04-20-2020, 04:59 PM (This post was last modified: 04-20-2020, 05:01 PM by Malalia.)

When her legs connected with his belly, she could only keep kicking. And with a hard thump, Mortis fell to the ground. Her own rear paws touched the dirt, and she pivoted to face him once again, guard hairs prickling along her neck. But the boy just laid there, seemingly in a daze. She lifted her head. 'Did I....?' She'd never won a spar against a wolf that was bigger than her—tied and lost plenty, that was for sure. And despite his size, Mortis was still a good deal younger than herself.

Suddenly, the boy was practically vibrating in front of her, gushing about how cool and brave and strong she was. "I don't know about all that," she laughed. That's what she'd thought of her heroes—never, ever of herself, the baby, the student. There was so much she had to learn. Still, the rapid wave of her tail betrayed her happiness. Mal was a sucker for praise. Her own siblings would have fumed at the loss when they were his age—Serg especially—but Mortis was all cheer, and it was infectious, pulling the corner of her lips into a smile.

"Man, I totally forgot about your wings! That was smart using them to throw off my move. Good thing we're on the same side, huh?"" And she meant it, truly. She felt like she'd barely won, and if the boy grew to be as big as his father.... With a sigh, Malalia bowed forward, stretching out her forelegs. "So, whatcha wanna do now?" The spar had gotten her blood running, and she was itching to move. Maybe they could hunt, or.....

All at once, her eyes gleamed, and she skipped forward to boop Mortis on the shoulder, before whipping around and bolting in the opposite direction across the grassland. "You're it!"
