
Player Database Check


08-25-2013, 08:15 PM
My PD is good!

I also prefer the activity check the way it is now. However, I would prefer roll call with three or four posts per month, because that is what we are currently required, and I think that with everyone back in school these days it would be easier to require 1 post or less per week than to require more.

Five per month for each character is more than that and can be taxing if people lose muse because of homework or extracurriculars or other family businesses, especially because scarcity does not allow for any leeway on the site and we can no longer post at all during absence periods (as I read, if we post during an absence, said absence is automatically DQ'ed). Prior to the change in that, you could post an absence if you knew that you would be cutting it close but you weren't sure if you would/wouldn't be able to post at all (i.e. when I was working summer camp I was exempt from activity checks because I wasn't sure when/if I could log on and knew I wouldn't have time to get to all of my characters when I could log on).

Sorry for the rant!