
Overlooking the kingdom from my throne



3 Years
04-20-2020, 08:20 PM (This post was last modified: 04-21-2020, 12:55 PM by Skyfire.)

As she examined him, she realized that he was much, much, taller than she was. In fact, she was quite sure that he towered over her. Well, this wasn't good. It meant that he could probably eat her if he wanted to. Ears flattened slightly in this thought, but she fought to keep her composure. She cleared her throat as she watched the snow leopard slink back into the bushes. "Curious creatures you have with you, Sirius. Warlord of Ashen Armada." A king? He certainly looked the part. It was a far cry from her status as she had nothing to her name. He had an entire pack and territory to defend. In a way, it made her slightly envious, but she would never let that show. Out of everything she had been through, she enjoyed the freedom she had been granted. No baby sitters, no escorts, though the only sad thing was no servants. She quite enjoyed doing everything herself anyway.

"I've been at the springs the last few days. Besides making you feel glorious," she said as she remembered the seething heat melting her entire body. "It heats the landscape around the pools, bringing in life that is more suited for higher temperatures." Skyfire had some knowledge of the fauna around here from her education back home, but she was hardly well versed. Whatever Skyfire said, she repeated from what she was taught. "I for one am the type to soak my entire soul in it. I love hot springs. It does wonders for my coat and my feet." Skyfire brushed her gray tail along her darker paws, seeing it gleam in the sunshine. "But enough about me. Where do you hail from?"

Skyfire thinks. Skyfire listens.

"Skyfire speaks."