
Overlooking the kingdom from my throne



3 Years
04-20-2020, 08:45 PM (This post was last modified: 04-21-2020, 12:56 PM by Skyfire.)

The comment of getting killed irked her a bit, causing her to scoff. "Puh-lease! Like anyone could resist the hot springs." Sky said as she thought about it for a moment. "Though - you have a point. Only if you have enemies or a psychopath tracks you." She couldn't deny it. While one was busy soaking in the pools, distracted with relaxation, it wouldn't take much to be grabbed by the throat. Especially by someone the size of Sirius. While Skyfire didn't have to worry about anything regarding stalkers or psychopaths, surely the world had their fair share somewhere. Sky wanted to stay the hell away from them because they were so unpredictable in a fight. She remembered her dad fighting one once. It was a rather scary fight.

Sky tried to picture here his lands might have been like based on his description. She traced the sun in the sky, but since she had been in the area of the hot springs for the last few days, she had yet to see everything else. Skyfire had taken notice of his companions disappearing from sight which made her a little wary, but she said nothing. Staying on all four paws meant she could run in an instant, but with his size Skyfire was sure he would catch up in two strides or less. "And you who have no name." Sky scoffed again turning her nose upward. She wouldn't admit that she forgot to say her name. Sky had too much pride. She just didn't get to it yet, that's all.

"I, Skyfire Turner," she said in a rather arrogant tone. "Reign from the southern Far Lands were fields were plenty, forests were thick, and our bellies were stuffed full of elk and bison! My parents ruled through our noble blood there until their arrogance got the best of them. Now I am here after a territory skirmish and escaping my captors." her tail flicked in frustration over memories of being bit on the back of her neck being held down against her will. Once she was able to get free, she ran as fast as she could, which was why she was at the hot springs for so long. Probably a stupid idea in case if she was being tracked.

Skyfire thinks. Skyfire listens.

"Skyfire speaks."