
Shoot Me Down




5 Years
Extra large
Athena I

04-20-2020, 11:04 PM

The world felt foggy, but whether it was from the panic attack the voices that echoed inside his skull was causing or from the blood that seemed to refuse falling from the wound on his leg he didn't know. He wasn't even sure if the wound hurt any more. His body felt numb, but his heart continued to race, pounding against his rib cage as if he had been running a marathon. The longer he sat her the more muddled everything became till even his own thoughts began to feel like a low, humming buzz in the foggy background of his world. He hadn't experienced an episode this deeply since the encounter with the bear near the beginning of his first year, but this time his mother wasn't there to snap him out of it and heal his wounds. This time her voice was among the loudest of those that fought for his attention and for control over the others that had collected there. He kept trying to focus on her voice since it was the only comforting sound he could pick out in the chaos, but for every kind word she said to him, there was three others shouting over him, amplifying his doubts and fears louder than he could possibly comprehend.

A voice from the outside world cut though him like a knife, his mind suddenly falling silent in the presence of someone else. He was able to take a solid breath of air for the first time in several minutes and his dual-toned gaze flicked toward the woman that had approached him. He didn't register her words at first, the wheels in his mind still turning while they worked to catch back up to real life. A healer. She was a healer. She was offering him help. He felt sluggish and tired and it took a moment to register this even when he repeated it back to himself. He had no idea who she was, but seeing her blue gaze made the tension in his shoulders begin to soften. Blue was a kind, wise color. Even though she was a stranger, he immediately began to trust her because of this. It reminded him of his mother and that was enough for him in this moment.

Casso finally responded with a nod. He did need help. He wasn't sure if she could help him with what he really needed help with, but the wound he had sustained was one place to start. "Yes, please. Thank you," he added, his voice not much more than a deep, rough rasp. He glanced toward the injury for a moment, his jaw tightening while he became more acutely aware of himself and his situation.

"Speech" Thought