
There's blood in the water

Aurielle and Regulus



5 Years
Extra large
Athena I

04-20-2020, 11:47 PM

He could hear the faint tones of the pair speaking to each other, but he still didn't quite believe that his eyes were telling him the truth until the pale, glowing woman called out to him and her voice rang truthfully to his ears. He blinked with the surprised realization that these wolves were actually real, glancing back to the vibrant red male when he spoke. A festival? Casso curiously padded closer to them so that they wouldn't have to shout so much to speak to each other. He did his best not to limp, but the dull ache from his leg didn't allow him to walk normally the entire way. "Yes, I'm fine," he replied to the glowing woman first, giving her a small nod. Since she had asked he felt compelled to reply and wave off any worries she might have had over him. "It's already been treated by a healer, no need to worry."

Now that he was a bit closer he could clearly catch their scents and something finally clicked in his mind. Their scent was so similar to his mother and aunt - especially the larger male. His memories finally pieced everything together and he looked at them both with a fresh wave of realization. "You're Regulus," he said as his gaze fixed on the boldly red male. There was no question in his tone. He knew exactly who this man was from the stories that his mother and aunt had told him of the family they missed back in Boreas. A slight smile touched his lips and he chuckled, giving a small shake of his head while his gaze drifted to the ground. "Here I was, trying to avoid the lot of you until this healed up, and you ended up finding me anyway."

When he looked back up at the pair he sighed, but the smile remained on his lips. It never failed - he always found what he wanted, but not when he wanted it. "I'm Casso... one of Zuriel's sons," he explained as he realized that they would have no idea who he was even though he knew who at least one of them was. He wasn't sure who the woman at his uncle's side was, but he had to assume she was a cousin of his from her scent. "I was on my way to find Aunt Baine to let her know how I was doing, but I got caught up in a fight with some coyotes a few days ago. I didn't want her to worry about me so I was going to let this heal before I continued." He paused, giving them both a curious look before he continued, "She and Nolan did find you, didn't they?"

"Speech" Thought