
Shoot Me Down




3 Years
04-21-2020, 12:10 AM
Concern shot through her at that point, she would focus on the physical for now. Her mother could have breaks occasionally and while it was a minor detail she had a feeling she had pulled this man out of one. Her memories served her, her mother didn't get them as severe as others but there was once a male who had gone what the pack would call crazy. The male hadn't shown symptoms until he was a year old and the family had stayed far away from him placing him in the healers care. Liz shoved down the memory - what did this place have that she could stop his bleeding to start. She didn't see any horsetail which was probably of where they were located. Nearly in the complete desert this little oasis still though had some interesting things.

She wasn't sure if she could move him yet, she looked at his wound on his left back leg with concern. The coyote's had taken a large bite out of him while not big considering this gentleman's size, their sharp teeth had punctured the skin especially around the loose parts near where his limb connected with his abdomen. Quick thinking she bundled up some of the grass of the basin - making it taught enough to move over and press it to the man's wound. The grass was soft enough, supple even, and would help with stopping the bleeding and then she could concentrate on treatment.

"Stay awake for me okay. Can you tell me your name?" the most important part was keeping his mind active, engaged. If her skills told her correctly it was important for the mind to have an activity when overly stressed or if anything else was going on. "My name is Elizabeth Adravendi, I just need to hold this here for a bit and then I'll get you some herbs." she looked around - Yarrow. Yes that would be perfect! It would help stimulate his blood flow considering the loss of blood was a problem. And also... something she didn't generally use. There was a cannabis plant nearby, she could crush it with a rock soak it in some water and feed it to him but she would have to ask permission for that one. For now she returned her concentration on the wound.