
There's blood in the water

Aurielle and Regulus



5 Years
Extra large
Athena I

04-21-2020, 12:28 AM

Casso kept the pleasant, neutral expression fixed on his face despite the rumbles of disagreement that crept up his spine and into the back of his mind when Regulus assured him that there was no shame to be had in being wounded or from fleeing from the fight. He kept his focus entirely on the family members in front of him to keep those doubts at bay, simply giving Regulus a small nod in response. "Well, there had been no fleeing in this case... Though perhaps there should have been to avoid this." His tone was light and amicable, a hint of humor in his tone. He didn't feel the need to tell them that the pair of coyotes now laid dead, carried away from the basin to keep their bodies from attracting larger predators to him when he wasn't prepared to fight them.

His eyes shifted back to the glowing female when she spoke of Nolan and Baine, feeling some genuine relief when he heard that the pair had made it alright. He had no doubts that they would, but Baine hadn't been in the best of shape when he left them and Nolan was still very young - even though he certainly seemed older than he was. It also didn't surprise him to hear that Nolan was already making a splash in their pack. He was a hard working boy if he ever did meet one. What was surprising was that she had met his littermate. He had seen Dominus himself when he first arrived back in Boreas, but he wasn't sure how much contact his siblings had with the family that lived here in the west.

Before he could respond Regulus spoke up, adding in the introduction that he lacked for the interesting woman in front of him. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Aurielle. It's a pleasure to meet both of you. Yes, I would like to see them," he replied with a small nod. "I promised her I would check back in before I settled anywhere. Actually... If you don't mind, could I stay with you until my leg recovers? I shouldn't need more than a week or two." It certainly wasn't like him to request another's help, but this felt different since it was from family. No, not just because it was from family... because it was from his mother's family. His mother had always been the soft, kind one of his parents, the one he felt safe enough to tell about the voices when they began. "I found my uncle's pack in the north and a couple of my siblings are living there as well. I want to go back and stay with them for a while, but I knew I had to come tell Baine first."

"Speech" Thought