
In My City


08-25-2013, 10:17 PM

She was cute, unsure of herself slightly and didn't seem to really know how to react to his words, this made his smile widen slightly as he chuckled. Although the next words to leave her mouth made his head tilt. "You met a pretty girl up north too...?" He said, feigning hesitance although he couldn't keep a straight face for long. It was hard not to smile around her. Especially when she looked at him the way she did as she walked around him.

He was taken back by her sudden outburst, head jerking back as if her voice had physically hit him. Not mates? And she was defensive about it, so obviously she wasn't like his parents who were friends but had kids together. Did he have a crush on her and it wasn't returned? He decided not to press it, this was only their second time meeting and he wasn't too interested in ruining it by asking about a boy who apparently wasn't a threat to Vixe.

And then suddenly the dark cloud that had crossed over her was gone and she was settling to the ground, smiling charmingly up at him. It took him a moment of staring down at her to realized that she had in fact flipped a switch and just like that was back to normal. Every fibre of his being was screaming at him that this girl was bad news bears but for some reason he didn't turn around and walk away. He wasn't looking for a mate, he was looking for fun... And sometimes the crazy ones proved to be the most fun. It was pretty much the logic he had put behind his parents. His mother was nuts and his father seemed to like those types...

"Well," he started as he seated himself before her, head tipping as if it was hard to recall their last memory together. "The best part about her was how charming she was, very polite and easy to talk to. We shared the same beliefs so I think she had a good head on her shoulders. But at one point she slipped and I got a good look at her eyes. I've been seeing those eyes everywhere since..." He had started off looking away but by the end he was gazing down at her, soft smile trailing across his lips as he studied her. She was just as pretty as he had remembered...
