
Shoot Me Down




5 Years
Extra large
Athena I

04-21-2020, 12:44 AM

Casso was quiet while he watched the healer gather up some of the grasses near by before coming over to press them to his wound. The pressure made him wince from the sting it caused, but he barely paid attention to the physical pain. Seeing the way she hurried around and the way worry touched her blue gaze reminded him so much of his mother and how she would be when she was healing someone - himself included. She usually had a few choice scolding words for him about his careless actions while she was at it, but the actions were the same. His emotions were still riding high even though his mind was once again in the present. His vision still felt a tad out of focus, but he gave up trying to clear it for now.

"Casso... Casso Preator," he replied quietly to her question when she asked for his name, desperately trying to keep his focus on her to keep his mind from wandering away from him again. He just kept his gaze fixed on her blue eyes as if they were going to anchor him to the ground. However, when she spoke her name it immediately snapped him to the present and he looked at her with a shocked clarity. "Adravendi?" he muttered to himself, blinking and looking at her as if it was the first time he had seen her. Her scent wasn't similar to what his mother's had been, but he did know that there were a couple different branches from the same family tree. That hadn't seemed to matter to Zuriel so it certainly didn't matter to him.

His ears flicked back against his head while he continued to hold still for her to do her work, but his thoughts were racing though his head faster than he could understand him. Of all the wolves that could have crossed paths with him here, it had to be a blue-eyed healer that carried his mother's name. It felt too much like a sign for him to not notice. "My mother's last name was Adravendi," he explained, still speaking softly with a slight, dry rasp to his tone. "She passed away a while ago." It felt so factual when he spoke it and some days it felt like he had actually accepted it as fact, but in moments like this it still didn't feel real.

"Speech" Thought