
Shoot Me Down




3 Years
04-21-2020, 01:41 AM
Liz concentrated on the wound, but she was just as skilled to listen to him as well. He'd obviously had trouble breathing, a panic attack? It was a classic sign as such and as soon as she was certain the grass was soaked enough she removed it. Looking around she spotted a leaf - that would do as she fashioned the thing into a makeshift cup like structure. Scooping water and throughoughly making sure the wound was washed. It was teeth, the teeth marks fashioned upon his body. "It'll probably scar from the looks of it, not that I'm sure you mind." she laughed a bit. Seeing as he already had scars on his body it seemed he was someone who got into trouble often or at least fights.

Casso... this was not one of the names her mother had mentioned. Neither was Praetor, as Liz stopped to pull some of the yarrow from a bush. The white flowers delicately in her mouth the best would be for him to eat the entire flower and stem. Though she definitely didn't want to give him too much. A bundle of the flowers would do for now. "Take this, it'll help with the blood you lost. Though you shouldn't move around too much right now." she stated. It was then that he whispered her last name, did he reckognize it?

He then said his mother has the last name, she stiffened slightly. A relative in this state? It must have just meant he took his fathers last name. If she remembered correctly her father may have never had a surname but other males certainly did and if they were not married than the pups normally took the fathers surname or both. This must have been the case. "I'm sorry to hear about your mother. I got my last name from my mother as well, she passed a few seasons ago too. Her name was Heather Adravendi." It only confirmed her suspicions from earlier. "Were you... having a panic attack before I found you?" Liz tilted her head. Think back now - what did her mother tell her to usually give her during a break. There was cannabis but she had only used it a handful of times and it tended to make the patients.... well, made them strange to her. No she definitely would have to look for something else and that was fine.