
Shoot Me Down




5 Years
Extra large
Athena I

04-21-2020, 02:29 AM (This post was last modified: 04-21-2020, 02:30 AM by Casso.)

The fact that this injury would probably scar was the furthest thing from his mind. It was just one of many that already covered a large portion of his body. He tended to just assume that his wounds would leave scars and then let himself be pleasantly surprised if they didn’t. However, hearing the lightness in her tone and the humor she had when she mentioned it helped him relax a bit and allowed him to focus on something other than himself. He complied with everything she did to him or told him to do without question. For a moment he let go of the control he tried to have on every aspect of his life and just let her care for him. He didn’t have the strength or will to do anything else. He ate the bitter flowers she offered him, unable to name them even though he recognized them from his mother’s herbs.

He offered her a sympathetic glance when he heard that her mother had passed away as well. There was more and more that was showing parallels in their lives and it forced him to feel a kinship with her - no matter how morbid their similarities might be. He didn’t recognize her mother’s name, but there was sure to be many, many members of his family that he wasn’t aware of. The Adravendi family seemed very broad and wide spread in these lands.

When Elizabeth questioned whether he had been having a panic attack before she arrived, the darkly colored male could only nod as his ears flicked uncertainly. He wished that was all it was, but he couldn’t bring himself to say the cause for that panic attack. He couldn’t make himself utter the underlying reason for the tense panic that still lingered in the core of his being. She was family, but in so many ways she was still a stranger.

”Let her help you. Let her in. She can’t help you if she doesn’t know.”

That familiar voice made his fur bristle uneasily, making his jaw tense while he pulled in a shaky breath. His heart wouldn’t stop pounding against his chest no matter how much he tried to calm himself down. It just wouldn’t calm down.

”I... I hear voices sometimes,” he finally admitted in a quiet tone with a great deal of hesitancy. The only other wolf he had ever told had been his mother, but he so desperately wanted to feel better that he didn’t know what else to do. It hadn’t been this bad in a very long time and without Zuriel to sort it out... he was at a loss. ”After a fight or a kill or a injury like this it gets worse,” he added, his clouded gaze pleading with her to understand. ”It’s like loud, angry arguing and... and I panic.

"Speech" Thought