
Overlooking the kingdom from my throne



3 Years
04-21-2020, 09:16 AM (This post was last modified: 04-21-2020, 12:58 PM by Skyfire.)

The stern tone in his voice caught her attention, and after the interaction from earlier, Sky decided to change her tone a little bit. ”Acting with such arrogance can get you killed. Don’t ever do it. No matter what.” It was something her mother taught her many a time, and Sky typically refused to listen. There were reasons why her mother was powerful, and Sky had to remember why. Her mother was respected, respected others, and kept her tongue and pride in check. It allowed her mother to see most things others did not, and it made her a powerful tactician. Perhaps Sky could become the same thing when she got older. Her father was the only individual she had inherited most of her behavior from. He had been the biggest impression on her. Sky’s mother was like a deep running river with currents to suck you down, drowning you silently with one wrong move.

Sky cleared her throat, the disturbing thoughts out of her mind, and cleared the troubled expression she had developed. Her captors, where were they? Then she remembered how she lost them. ”I used a tactic my mother taught me,”she started. ”I stayed in an area for a few weeks to see if they were following me. Since they didn’t, I kept moving. Since then, I’ve been here trying to decide what to do. All the wanted was the land, so I highly doubt I am of any use at this point.” While most of the arrogance was gone, she still had a slight attitude on her voice, but it wasn’t directed at Sirius, just the situation she had come out of. ”Pretty sure I am way ahead of them by now. My home is about a month’s travel away from here. I think.” she said, looking to the horizon a moment.

Sky could guess that she had traveled for many days until she reached this place. Sky was running as far as she could until she couldn't run anymore, which is how she found the hot springs. Her paws hurt, her body ached, and the back of her neck where she had been bitten stung. Sky hated how her kingdom crumbled before her all because people were selfish, and her parents were fools. While she held her parents in high regard most of the time, the reason why her kingdom crumbled was because they took on an enemy that outnumbered. She supposed that was the honorable thing to do was to be courageous in front of your enemy, no matter how many they are. As a result, the kingdom shattered and her family separated. Likely, her parents were dead or missing, though it mattered not because she was here and they weren't. One other thing she was taught was to never look back, and so she wouldn't.

Skyfire thinks. Skyfire listens.

"Skyfire speaks."