
I will write you a song [Song Babies]

Aria I


08-25-2013, 10:25 PM

Just a moment after arriving a familiar scent would flow into the woman's nose, causing a smile to form, head turning just in time to see Cherokee come over, dropping a few rabbits on the ground before greeting her. "Morning Cherokee." She greeted him with a dip of her head, turning her gaze back to the happy little family. "Rabbits, ey? Good thing to start the children with, but tricky to catch." She said in a friendly tone, a light chuckle following, shifting her weight from paw to the other, forest green orbs looking over the children. They were beautiful, taking after both parents, the colors, and the fathers markings. She was sure they would grow into fine young men and women.

She would raise a brow when Song greeted her, why wouldn't they be doing well? And as she came to the den entrance the little pups followed right behind, both brows raising suddenly when she informed the Borealis that she couldn't find one of her children. In a split second she was ready to jump up and search the area for the child, but in that second the boy came tumbling out of the nearby bushes, even went up to Aria to greet her.

And Song's reaction, Aria wasn't sure if she should laugh or be somewhat disgusted by the gushy talk. Either way she would chuckle lightly, taking a paw and rubbing it over his head, messing up the small tuft of hair there. "Hello little one, you sure gave your mother a scare there." She grinned, moving her paw away to set it back down in the grass. Unlike the boy who greeted her, all the other children seemed to be either shy or scared. Aria shook her head at this in amusement before lowering herself low to the ground to be level with them, flashing a friendly grin. "Hello little ones, I am Aria, a friend of your parents." She did't want them to be scared or shy of her, Aria was a friendly wolf, and if the parents allowed it then maybe one day she could take them out on one of her patrols to learn about the land they lived in.
