
Shoot Me Down




3 Years
04-21-2020, 10:29 AM
Elizabeth was heartbroken by his confession to say in the least. Her homeland was filled with wolves with issues like his although there had only been one male just like him. For some reason voices in the head seemed to attach to more males than it did females. Her mothers mental illness was more inside of her - her black outs consisting of foul words and charges at her friends and families almost unreckognizable. There was once a traveller to her lands, she claimed to be a healer of the mind. Of course Liz had taken the time to get some lessons from her but it was all limited. That was back when her pack mate was at his worst. Although a change in diet and a few herbs made his life managable. There was no cure for what ailed the mind.

"My mother had ailments of the mind, I remember when I was younger being so frightened of her during episodes." Elizabeth began, she was soft. A stranger he might have been but they shared blood, something about that drew her to care for him. Or maybe it was the healer inside of her yet she was no niave girl. She was now fully aware even if she grew close to Casso. There was a change he could snap and harm her further hurting his own phsyc because it wouldn't be his fault. This. This didn't stop her from wanting to get to know him better for some reason.

"She didn't hear voice, but there were times she was a completely different person. After she would have no memory of these black outs she had. She had no idea she snapped and tried to harm others, calling them names." Elizabeth desparately looked around. When Lavender caught her eye her heart calmed a bit - it was not a cure all. Yet for panic attacks and stressed hearts it did wonders. Now she only wished she had hot water to soak it in. The weather was getting cold already so she couldn't hope to leave it out in the sun for a while. She suddenly frowned - wishing she had a primate companion like Luta. Still she walked over and harvested a few of the stems and brought it back over to them.

"There was also once a man like you there. He heard voices, could become fairly violent without his control. While he could be a completely sweet man - there were times where he had chaotically killed some of our own." Elizabeth looked up at Casso in his eyes. "It wasn't his fault, and neither is most things you do Casso. Remember that." she sternly stated but hoping he didn't take it as a free pass to do anything he wanted. "I can however... give you advice on how to manage it. There is no cure for what ails your mind but there are things you can do to lessen the voices in your head. When we tried it with my packmate he once had told me. While it didn't get rid of the voices they became much softer and he had more control over his body. Some days were worse than others of course but it made him able to make friends on a more interpersonal level. We also perscribed him medicine like this to help with the panic attacks." she pointed to the lavender. "Though it's not very tasty to be eaten you usually soak it in water, it's called Lavender." Her tail wagged a bit. Hoping that she hadn't spoken too much and that he would agree to see what she would have to say. Although she wasn't sure if it would affect him like it had her pack mate, it seemed like with these sorts of things everyone was different.