
When in doubt



10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - LesbianBeeventVolcano
04-21-2020, 10:32 AM
She'd been fighting since long before he was born, sure, but in truthfulness she hadn't spent a lot of time properly sparring. Much of her early life had been spent on her own, with most of her energy going to simply staying alive - and whatever excess she'd had, had gone toward her herb studies. Only now that she'd settled in to a stable pack beside Valdis did she have proper time to dedicated to practicing her fighting skills, and she was grateful for the stability that Niente, and then Legion, and finally Fireside provided her. It was far from the life she expected but she was beyond content with her opportunities here, and was excited for what the future had in store for them.

But right now, Asvor was focused mainly on the fight at hand. When she ducked to the side and snapped at his forelimb, she hoped to catch him off-guard, and the fact that he bite landed smoothly was proof that she'd been right in her predictions. But she hadn't considered just how much larger he was than her, and she knew all at once that she should've jerked away as quickly as she landed her bite. Instead she felt his weight beginning to shove into her, and then the sharp slash of his elongated canines against her forehead, a move she couldn't quite pry herself away from in time. The sting was mild but sharp, and thanks to the thin skin there, she already felt blood beginning to trickle down her forehead - and, as Tyrian had planned, right into her eyes. Squinting and trying to avoid being completely blinded, she lunged forward and straight into him again, this time aiming her parted jaws for the sensitive area just below his throat, hoping to avoided his long teeth as best as she could.                        

Ásvor Finnvi vs Tyrian for Spar
Round 2 / ?
Age: Over 1 Year
Size: Medium
Build: Medium
Skills: Advanced Healer & Novice Fighter
Specialty: N/A