
Go and Fix Your Makeup, Girl

Navigation Skill Thread



3 Years
04-21-2020, 11:23 AM (This post was last modified: 04-21-2020, 12:44 PM by Skyfire.)

Sky had spent the last couple of days being more cautious than normal. She had committed to a life of relaxation and uncaring for quite long enough. Already, three wolves had found her near the springs and she didn't expect them coming. Now it was time for her to grow up just a little. Survival was the most important thing on her mind right now, as that was what her father taught her. In fact, it was one of the things that he taught her first above all else. While her parents were arrogant, they didn't lack intelligence. Places that her pack had been always had a strategic operation point. It had the best views, was close to other resources, and was hidden from other enemies. But in general, it was a beautiful place to be. Much like Sunset Falls, the place she was heading to. Sky had been told about its beauty and height, so she wondered if she could get a pretty good vantage point from up there. The day was nice, so there was no reason to not go on a hike. Her paw pads were done with the hot soak anyway.

"If you are ever caught in a situation where you are by yourself, go to the highest point and examine your surroundings.
Do so with caution. Learn all about your world, and then you will be able to defend yourself better."

Her father's words hung in her head. As she padded through the dense area to reach the roaring falls before her, Sky thought about all of her escape options should she need to run. At the hot springs, she already could see where some rabbits lived closer to Redbud Nook and Weeping Woods, so she could go to get something to eat before heading back to the springs. Even Skyfire knew she couldn't stay at the springs forever, but being there for the last few days was a nice recharge. Her body thanked her for it, for sure. With her spirits recharged, and worries of being sought out by her captors gone, Sky had little to worry about - for now - save for wondering where her next meal will be, and the other strange wolves that would not put up with her intolerant behavior.

Perhaps mom was right - no matter how much you don't like them, keep that poker face on and be as nice as you can allow yourself to be, because one day it will save your life and teach you something. Sky's mother had spoken that to her during one of the times she had gotten in trouble with her parents. Sky couldn't remember exactly what she did as the punishment was way worse. Sky was sent out to fend for herself for three days, which of course wasn't unsupervised. While she didn't know she wasn't alone, she didn't eat for three days. The lesson there was to not treat others badly or otherwise she wouldn't have anyone to talk to.

The falls were as she had heard them described; gentle and soft as they cascaded from pool to pool. Sky wondered originally if it was going to be a roaring monster, but to find the waterfalls with a slower pace and quieter voice was pleasing to her. Sky moved left to ascend the hill and slope that the waterfall was coming down from, seeing as there was an incline she could go up. How far did this go up? One hundred feet? Five hundred? She couldn't see the distance well from the bottom, but Sky figured she better get climbing, regardless. She was bored of the area and it was time to move. While the grass made it easy to dig her claws into, the slippery rocks she occasionally found weren't so nice. Sky's goal was to climb to the top to see how far her view was, and make a decision on where to go.

Post one of three for Navigation.

Skyfire thinks. Skyfire listens.

"Skyfire speaks."