
What're You Lookin' At?




6 Years

The Ooze ParticipantTrick 2019
04-21-2020, 11:25 AM (This post was last modified: 05-01-2020, 12:30 AM by Tealah.)
Justice had been in a pretty decent mood, bounding over the prairie on her way to nowhere. Sometimes it was good to get put of pack lands for a while without any definite reason. Sure, she got around to the battlefield a good deal to brush up skills, though she should really do it more often, but she rarely got out just for fun. It was kind of nice to be able to do something for herself rather than for the protection of the pack. Relaxing in a way she'd not really have expected since she wasn't exactly the type to lay around in the sun on a sandy beach somewhere, vacation sort of person. Fighting was usually more her style than just doing nothing for the sake of doing nothing, but it was feeling real good on her today.

When her gaze fell on a particular broody looking creature she was about to pass, her previously fantastic mood dropped like a rock as her brain clicked onto where she had seen that particular broody creature. She stopped practically mid-bound with a black scowl. "Still alive are you, you sadistic fuck?" This was the crazy bastard who had blinded two of her pack's wolves just because he could. Had left Marina one-eyed and crazy, and taken Acapella's sight away forever, for no reason except that she had tried to protect Marina from his depredations. He had been the invader, not them. They were innocents trying to protect their home. He was Dragon's mad dog. "I'm surprised no one has put you down like the rabid mutt you are." Her lip curled in disgust, as though at seeing a creature covered in feces. It annoyed her that he was just let wander around unsupervised instead of being locked up somewhere like the insane beast everyone should know by now that he truly was. He was clearly part of a pack - she could smell it on him, even if she didn't recognize it, so who was it letting their pet monster roam this time? Maybe she should send him back crying to his new master as a message to them to keep a better eye on their mad dog. She could almost feel bad for the bastard for being the way he was - she recognized that if things had shaken out for her a bit differently, maybe she might be just as mad and blood crazed as he was - but he'd made the effort to return to Valhalla-then-Celestial on his own to pry more information out of them so he clearly should have been cognizant enough to know he was not quite right and choose a different path.