
wake me up


08-25-2013, 10:27 PM

She half sobbed and half laughed when he asked her why she was crying, shaking her head and trying to figure out what exactly was going on. Normally tears came when there was fear or sorrow she found, but she had never cried when she was happy or excited before, this was completely new and foreign to the girl. "I... I don't know! I'm just so happy!' Another half sob came out and then suddenly he leaned forward, tongue darting out to clean the tears from her face. She stiffened, oddly startled by the movement but slowly the tension fled her body and a soft smile spread across her features. If she could have she would have been blushing right there. It was an oddly tender gesture, Prospero had done it before for her when he had found her crying at night over her mother but it hadn't stirred up feelings like this within her. Suddenly she felt like her heart was racing, her skin was on fire and she couldn't quite breath. And then he pulled back and continued speaking, she was slightly more in control now, the stinging in the backs of her eyes dying down although the heat in her face was still present.

She reached out and slid her nose along his muzzle, licking his cheek before pulling away as he spoke about his mother. He didn't need her in his life, not if she could just pack up and leave him like that. She wasn't worth his sorrow. Not that she would ever say that to him out loud... "Maybe she'll come back some day. At least you made a friend to help you out," she said gently, less hostility in her words this time. Yes she wasn't impressed with this new friend of his but the female had taken care of him in his time of need and she was thankful for that if nothing else. Euphrosyne? Strange name, Kangi's jaw and tongue worked to silently mouth the name but couldn't seem to make it move properly to pronounce it like Talon did. Maybe she would shorten it when they met if they did ever actually meet. But for now she wouldn't attempt to repeat it and end up butchering the name.

Glaciem hey? Pack life had never really appealed much to the young girl, something in the back of her mind made her slightly wary of them. Though she had never experienced a pack until she had bounded through Talon's home in Seracia. Was his new home as relaxed? And then his question hit her, soft and shaky but powerful none the less. She blinked a few times, momentarily stunned before she lowered her haunches to the ground and cast her gaze to the sky thoughtfully. Did she want to be part of the pack? Of any pack for that matter? "I want to stay with you Talon but I don't know about a pack..." she said hesitantly, chewing the inside of her cheek thoughtfully as she stared at the sky. What did she want? She wanted Talon, she didn't want to be apart from him anymore but could she commit to a pack? "Tell me about this pack. Is it as nice as you described Seracia? What is its king like?" She asked, looking back at him curiously. Ever since he had said that a king ruled Seracia she just assumed that every pack had a king.

"Has the great wide world never called to you? The life of a rouge? Its not as bad as most probably think, I could hunt for both of us if you wanted to try it out?" Questions questions, so many questions it seemed. But she was honestly curious. Was he interested in joining her in her adventures? She could hunt well enough to feed the two of them but she wasn't completely dismissing his request to join him. She just wanted to be with him...
