
Go and Fix Your Makeup, Girl

Navigation Skill Thread



3 Years
04-21-2020, 11:51 AM (This post was last modified: 04-21-2020, 12:50 PM by Skyfire.)

Sky was fascinated by everything that she could see. The land stretched out for miles as she stood at the very edge of the waterfall. A quick glance down sent her eyes spinning for a moment since they weren't used to the height. A smile played on her face as she looked south, seeing the islands in the distance and varying landscapes. There seemed to be a whole other continent too! Just how big was this place!? Sky didn't know where she wanted to go first. She had been in the trees for so long that she wanted someplace open, wild, and where she could run for miles and miles. Skyfire hadn't gone on a good, long run in a while now. She couldn't count the last days that she was spending her energy stretching her legs. Skyfire was a runner after all, or that's what she aspired to be, and it was her goal to be the fastest runner that existed!

"Excusssee me ma'am,"a voice sounded from below."Uh huh?" she replied, not looking to the source. "Are you familiar with thessee landsss?" Skyfire shook her head. "No, sadly. I'm only a recent arrival to..." Sky started to say just as she turned her head to look where the voice came from. It was as if her voice was stuck in her throat and her brain stopped working. What her eyes locked on to was something she had seen before, but on a much smaller scale. A kind of animal that her brothers would tease her with when she was little, creating the very fear of the animal before her. While it wasn't necessarily traumatic, she needed to get used to it. This wouldn't be the only one of the kind she feared. There was no other wolf behind her at all, but to her right was a snake. A King Cobra to be exact. He. Was.BIG. Skyfire froze, her tail stretched out behind her horizontally as her muscles tensed and her eyes widened. The King Cobra was mostly midnight black all over with stripes of copper on various parts of his body and face. Around his throat and hood was a lighter tan color. It was his eyes that had her attention.

"You're... a snake!?" she squealed as Skyfire stumbled backwards. The snake was long and looked as if though he could eat her up if he wanted to. "Oh dear gods please don't be hungry!" her mind screamed internally. As Skyfire tumbled backwards, her butt landed in the water as her back legs stuck out in front of her, kind of like a "Bambi on Ice" pose. With her body now soaking wet - again - Skyfire stared at him and wondered why he wanted to know if she was familiar with the lands. Skyfire tried to swallow her fear a bit as she stepped out of the water, tail dripping wet. "Why.." she stammered with a broken voice before clearing her throat. "Why do you ask?" Of course Skyfire was unfamiliar with the territory only because she was brand new to this place. If anything, she wanted to visit someplace new and explore. Was the Cobra looking to explore also? Maybe to find his next meal.

Skyfire thinks. Skyfire listens.

"Skyfire speaks."