
Go and Fix Your Makeup, Girl

Navigation Skill Thread



Beginner Intellectual (0)

Intermediate Navigator (30)

10 Years
Large species
04-21-2020, 12:57 PM
The reaction of the girl was expected actually, Koby was the source of fear for many others. Which it made sense, he was highly venmous a bite from his fangs and this girl would be dead nothing to help that. This was why his parents taught him to never ever use them unless for emergencies. He was a pacifist and luckily most King Cobra's were like that. Koby waited patiently, as she fell into the water and processed the moment. He was calm and as soon as she moved herself closer to him out of the pool he chuckled a little. He felt it fair to reach her height so he could properly talk to her. Koby lifted his upper body 30" off the ground so he could meet her eye level. His hood was still pressed against him - he rarely opened it only when he felt threatened particularly. "I am indeed a ssnake Ma'm. A King Cobra at your ssservice! We are a calm raccce." at least as far as he knew. He'd hate for her to run into another one of him and be in danger.

"The namesss Koby! I'm an explorer and fortune teller here to offer my ssserviccess, I alssso wondered if you wanted to explore with me? I could ussee sssome brusshing up on my navigation sskilss." Too many S's in one sentence he was starting to hate it. He could speak other language more frequently without it. It was only with english he seemed to have a trouble with such words. He tried to look friendly though, the large snake grinning at the girl. Flicking his tongue out so he could get a sense of the area again. It did appear though that some of the land was singed - other than the grass that seemed to be growing.